Sunday 30 November 2014

Health Bites or Health Bytes?

Soo ARE you tiered of worrying about fat when you eat ? Are you craving that chicken kathi everyone is having, drooling over sizzling smells and not being able to savor them , well then here is your calling less fatening kathi rolls.
so keep following the steps i'm about to mention and make great fat free kathi rolls

1) Tools List
  green chick chop's roasted chilie chicken.
  green chick chop's rumali roties
  amul cheese spread ( don't worry not gonna be                  used much , just as a bonding agent ;p)
  microwavable bowl
  a stove and stove lighter 
  a kadhai

lets goooo

2) heat the rumali rotis on tava or otg

 3) Add some water (not a lot , about 1/4 of the bowl) to the chicken in the microwavable bowl and stir 

4) Heat the chicken in the microwave for 1 minute

5) Transfer the chicken into the kadhai  ( ps i know it looks tasty and trust me it was)

6) Heat the chicken and add oregano (optional) and heat on high flame and mix 
7) Heat till the water evaporates and transfer to microwavable bowl  
8) Add cheese spread to the chicken and mix , don't add to much look in the picture for amount reference.

9) put it in the microwave and heat for 1 minute
10) till then open the rumali roti and cut it half
11) when the chicken is done put some cheese on the roti , just a little 
12) Add chicken in the middle of the cut roti half, ( the best bit , am i right xp)
13) Now fold each half and one side does not stick use a little cheese to make it sick .
14) fold the rotit's top inside and you are done :)

Virtual Realities Value

Do you know why gamers are hooked to virtual reality games . one reason ...reality sucks . Its cruel . everyone leaves , everyone uses you , everyone puts on a mask , every one has a hidden motive , you are alone came alone and you'll go alone . The weird fact is the gamers themselves have done all this . This is what causes them to switch to a virtual reality , to live a life , to start all over again . away from peer pressure

Away for being used ...

Their decisions matter . people listen in a virtual simulator.

you are alone ..but not fully alone once in the game.
Go anywhere , guys trying to score chicks , chicks fawning in the "bhav " given to them then embarrassing the boy in question . the reverse rarely happens but it does it is highly publicized . just because of one jerk all guys repo goes down the drain. Girls may claim the same . they say you were not with your "one" guys don't notice the good girls. FYI LADIES you need to show yourself , your true self to a guy . no one can predict or look inside your head . not even the strongest of couples. Gamers don't face this nonsense in a virtual world ..if you are genuine the games responds equally ...

There is no backstabbing , ignoring, back bitching online. All this happens in the real world just because ego's are larger than the empire state building .
Oh humanity its time to let go of your delusions ....
You create introvert , you outcast people .

And all this may seem an angry rant , IT IS , FROM A GAMER WHO SAW LIFE FOR WHAT IT WAS . if any of you read this ...many will think ...pathetic looser all alone and is blaming everyone .. Mind you in anger no lies are spoken .
You may think immature . or lonely or angry . i am all three .. But my virtual world is just so much better .. Its more pure . more simple . and that piece if coding is more human than humanity itself .

The Value Of A Pet

Today we live in a time where consideration for other human beings seems a topic of the past, everyone is focused on the whole "funda" of money, money, money. Where kids learn from the adults that being mean is bad but they see them doing the same and a sense of responsibility is lost. 

Teens seem depressed for being quote lonely. All these situations have a common denominator , the requirement of a being who is there for you , who needs equal attention from you , a being that teaches responsibility , who gives happiness and helps in learning the value of life , and if you haven’t guessed it by now , it’s a pet . Dogs, cats, birds, fishes the whole ensemble of domestic animals out there. 

A pet teaches you what life is and I’m here to tell you how.

   1)   A sense of responsibility: it is a very old but a very true concept, that pets teach responsibility. They are like little infants, they can’t speak, need food and water, need shelter, are mischievous, want and need attention etc. in America after kindergarten each class has a class pet as a part of the school policy , that pet is to be taken care of daily by a child , so the entire class gets to take care of the animal , if the pet is sick -take him to the vet , give him just the right amount of food , clean after him and take care of his house , in doing these things kids realize the things are similar to what their parent’s to from them ,(apart from just going crazy on how cute the animal is !!), so they learn responsibility .

  2)   A sense of loss: the passing on of a pet is one of the saddest moment of a child’s life. The dog that runs up to you every day when you come home from school, the bird you see flutter her wings whenever you feed her, the cat that jumps into you laps and purrs in comfort while reading a book, the thought of losing that companion brings a tear to my eye as I’m writing this article .But this loss teaches us to give value to everything when we have it. To cherish it while it’s with us, helping us, loving us and to let go when it goes away and live on with its memories in your mind. These are concepts each adult has to bear with, but having pets as children just makes the pain coming in the future easier.

   3)   Never feel lonely: pets have a unique power they use when you gain their loyalty. They can sense what you feel, whenever you as teens get home and just jump in bed, feeling the world is against you, you will find you pug, a ball in his mouth, snuggling up to you asking you to not be sad and buck up and in most cases that one creature is the reason your frown goes upside down, that and ice-cream, but mostly the pet. You realize that you have a being that listens your rants, supports you and when you find a partner or it gets old you indirectly replace it, still it’s always there to help you, be with you and love you. Is that not what all humans require?

In the end I’d like to add that value of pets cannot be contained by mere words instead, ask pet owners, they will complain a lot, but take away their pet from them for day, and they will be crawling back to you the next asking it back or wishing to see it once. I myself don’t own a pet, but from this above article you can understand, I gosh darn it love animals  

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